What is the correct timing to sleep and how long a normal person need to sleep?

If more time we sleep what will happen is there any side effects!!

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correct timing will be to sleep early [ around 9/10 o clock] and to wake up early[ around 5/6 o clock}.
The correct timing to sleep is in between 9 to 10 pm.Every person needs min 6 hours of sleep to be active.

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Some one pls clarify me, normal person needs to sleep 6 hours or 8 hours.

Pls explain which is correct?

Correct timing is 9 to 10 and normally human beings required 8 hours sleep

Normally human beings required 7-8 hours sleep.More sleep can bring obesity.

for a young person 5 hours is good and for a old person 8 hours is good

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think for anyone who is child or young or old 6 hours sleeping is must and person will be healthy.

Santosh Kumar Singh



7 to 8 hrs of sleep is normal and required by body but more than that would make you feel drowsy all day long.
The natural division of tine in day and night requires that one works in day and sleep at night. One should reach home before sun set, take food and an hour after go to bed.

However, modern life is twenty four hours busy life. So, you need adjust your sleep hours with your work schedule. Normally, six hours sleep suffices.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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