I want to make Shawarma at home. I think, it needs Mayonnaise. I don't want to buy from outside. Can anyone tell me, how it can be made at home?
I have surfed, but can't find a suitable recipe.

Meera sandhu
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Sandhya what is this can you tell me is this a receipe or anything.

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Shawarma is an Arabian food. But now a days it is very popular in Kerala. So I want to make it at home.

Meera sandhu
If you googled you can find it na. I think no one no about this one.

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Sandhya, there are many recipe pages for Mayonnaise, but still go through this one:


This is the one that I used to make mayonnaise and it turned out very well!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I doubt whether I can make it. Mustard seeds also used in Mayonnaise. Really amazing.
I will tell you once I become successful :cheer:

Meera sandhu
No no no, don't add whole mustard seeds, it asks for prepared mustard. Which means you first either pound the mustard by hand or run on a very low setting so that the dark husk is separated from the seeds, Then you need to dust off the husk and the again grind these seeds very finely to a smooth paste. This paste is added to prepare mayonnaise. Or else, you can easily get readymade mustard paste, it is available in all supermarkets.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Which company's mayonnaise tastes best?
Once I bought and threw it off since it was not good. :cheer:

Meera sandhu
What kind of food is this??? :huh:
I didnt hear about this name before!!! :unsure:
Can you explain in brief??!?
shawarma.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
shawarma1.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

Every time i visit a Bakery,i always see the bottle of Mayonnise. Its just like a butter. But,i think its a salted one.
I think its made of three ingredients : one is butter,don't know the other 2.

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I think you are a Keralite and you know about this Arabian dish, now a days very popular in Kerala

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Meera sandhu
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