
I have find that some file sharing hosters gives money when a file is download. Please tell me which file hoster are legit.

I want to know.

Thanks in advance.
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i think ziddu .com is genuine..please try it and inform us...
Thank you deepak but this one will take a lot of time.

Earn money just for joining in this site.


i think ziddu .com is genuine..please try it and inform us...

Thanks about the website but how did they get benefit from this?
They will be more benefit for them by downloading files.

Earn money just for joining in this site.


i think ziddu .com is genuine..please try it and inform us...

Thanks about the website but how did they get benefit from this?

the sites pays per download...if you give the links in various websites more and more people will download it and you will earn more money...
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