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Omg this us unbelievable. I thought colors were used in these paintings.

Mr Sanjeev, a friendly Advise. Please go through the article to know how the painting was painted and with what material the painting was done. The very Thread says that the paintings were done with Coffee.

Lol... Paintings with coffee... That's something new. Yes if we have talent and will then we can do it using many things. 


Why not. Many artists all over the world painted with different varieties of Media. They have the zeal to experiment.

Yup.. All of them use different kind of things. The talent is the core thing.


Every new art form is innovation and every odd is art and this is an example of this as there are many unbelievable happenings all over the world, but I like the simple form of art made with paper.

One needs a fertile brain to go for such innovations. Many cannot understand the greatness in such innovations.

It is difficult to trace what innovative brain of artist thinks as most of times this goes into some wider horizon which normal human beings unable to spot on and many a times they think of it as absurd.

Unless you have the artist,s eye that is seeing beyond the obvious it's not possible for you to understand . Even today Pablo Picasso's paintings are Greek and Latin to many. But his one single painting recently fetched 166 million dollars . Simply because you cannot make out what is what, those paintings can they lose their charm ????

Really wonderful paintings….. For a great artist, paint is not necessary for his creation. There is a Chinese proverb: “When an archer becomes perfect, he discards his bow and arrows!”
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