Harbhajan hits out at Afridi for his comments on Indians
Ace Indian spinner Harbhajan Singh on Monday hit out at Pakistan skipper Shahid Afridi for his out-of-turn reaction on Indians and their supposedly lack of big-heartedness.
"If Indians were not large-hearted, they wouldn't have made so much of progress and delivered growth," said an angry Habhajan, reacting to Afridi's controversial remarks that Indians cannot be as large-hearted as the Pakistani.

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harbhajan singh is known for his furious and fast reactions.he is the only cricketer to slap a fellow cricketeer publicly.now he has taken upon afridi..we are proud of you ...
I think answer should be given and Harbhajan know how to give answer and tackle this kind of things.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I think answer should be given and Harbhajan know how to give answer and tackle this kind of things.

corrrect santhosh...harbahjan is the best guy for this type of problems. Too bad he is not in the indian team these days.
Harbhajan is the correct person to answer for this type of questions.He answer with mouth and yuvraj answer with bat.

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yuvraj too is a wonderful cricketeer who just dont worry about the consequences of a problem before carrying out the ideas.
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