A New Species of Dolphins found in Melbroune Australia :)

New Dolphin Species

B) B) B) B) B) B)

Swetha Shenoy
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Yes this is a very good news dolphin are very rare species . thanks for sharing with us but image is not opened nicely please upload it again.
its really nice . Dolphin is a very sweet animal.
I love dolphins. They are human friendly animals. Thanks for sharing it with us.
This is very good news. Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales.

Be positive
I saw some Dolphins in Andaman and nicober island. This is a rare animal.

wow its so sweet.it is looking so lovable.thanks for sharing dear.
I like the smiley face of Dolphin and their friendly attitude. :cheer: :) B) Hope this new species are preserved without any deaths as due to polluted atmosphere
It is good to see this is very good news to us i think there is many species which we dont know.

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this is a latest updates about animals thanks you swetha for sharing such a news

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Nice to learn about the fact that new species of dolphin has been found in Australia. From the picture it seems to be a bottle nose shaped dolphin which is known to be very violent in nature by researchers...!
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