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Yes,in my city too,plastic bags have been banned.
But still the customer wants that the shop keeper should give things in that plastic bag,so few of them uses it.

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In my city also plastic bags are banned.. but still many of shop keeper using it.

They use it because it is cheaper and easy for people to carry things in these. :)
i think paper bags should be used,as they could be less cheaper than plastic bags.

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Yes now a days less members are using this including cloth bags also.

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Even food items are also served in plastic covers. the food items like chat, panipoori etc .are served in polathin covers. which may cause cancer to us.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Now a days we are using lot of plastic which is more dangerous to our health also.

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Now a days everywhere pollution, pollution in air, pollution in water, pollution in food, pollution and even in mind of people

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Hmmm..Pollution in mind i am hearing it for the first time Sarala. :laugh:

How can we get rid of it? :laugh:
Hmmm..Pollution in mind i am hearing it for the first time Sarala. :laugh:

How can we get rid of it? :laugh:

She might be talking about the air pollution.
When you inhale,some dust or gases from the atmosphere,the mind gets little disturbed.
So,that is what she is saying.

Want to make each day Accountable

hahaha.....but she is not talking about it she is saying something else. :laugh:
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