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You see no amount is enough these days but government has its limitation and there are too many people who come in that category, so some thing is better than nothing.

Yes there are lots of people who come in this category and are eligible for it. I think they should focus more on old age homes so that this may not be misused by anyone. :)

Besides they have already increased the amount now so there is nothing to ask for any more than that. That would be too heavy on government.

Yes to ask to increase it more would be heavy for the government and they may not stop it then. :laugh:
Now old age pension is Rs. 500/- This also is meager amount.

Best way is not to give old age pension to individuals. It will be better to identify destitute and helpless aged and accommodate them in old age homes with facility of health care, food and comforts. This will be more effective utilization of funds.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

In Tamil nadu the old age pension is 1000 Rs.
No doubt old age pension Rs. 200/- is not enough for a person. But which state giving this pension. In my state Rajasthan it is 400/- PM. Here free medicines is giving by Government hospitals without charges to every one. So old age person can also avail this facilities. In Haryana pension some more than Rajasthan. But it should be 1000/- PM.
good, all states must be followed Tamil nadu.
In Tamil nadu the old age pension is 1000 Rs.

You are absolutely correct. Recently the pension amount has been raised to 1000 Rs. in Tamilnadu.

Mary - Are you from Tamilnadu?

Born to express, not to impress.
Now the price specially of medicine are increasing unlimited which is essential to old age people so free treatment with medicine should be free in all states.Then food .It has an act to give food to every needy person.
Now the price specially of medicine are increasing unlimited which is essential to old age people so free treatment with medicine should be free in all states.Then food .It has an act to give food to every needy person.

Ram not only medicines rates of every thing is increasing day by day and its getting out of reach of common people. even the bread which used to cost 23 Rs is now have reached to 30 Rs. I remember in old days we used to say that poor eat Roti with onion but I doubt how they eat Roti as onion rates have been so high in recent time. :evil:
My mother worked in Anganwadi Teacher and retired few years back. Her pension is only 750 Rs. :( :( :( :( :( . It is very less than old age pension.
Yes its too less I think it should be atleast 2000 Rs per month .

Santosh Kumar Singh


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