This incident happened in Nagercoil in Tamilnadu. A man killed his own daughter as she was pregnant and he could not abort the child. After killing his daughter, he took all the jewels from the house and created a scene that a theft had happened and his daughter died because of that.But police caught this man using his fingerprints.

Previously, he tried to have sex with his own daughter. As she refused,he made her faint and raped her.This man was a retired millitary officer and he has a second wife also as his first wife died.

I feel that these kind of people should be immediately hanged.
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Definitely He must be hanged..Death punishment is also less for such kinds of demons..

"Where we are heading.....? What kind of society we are forming....?" a million dollar question!!

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Our punishments are very very less compared to the crimes committed.That is why the crimes are repeating.

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If this thing happen by Army person than its very shame shame.I think he should be torched by police 3rd degree very tightly..

Santosh Kumar Singh


Shame! Shame!

This is very horrible incident!!!!!!!!!!!!

These sort of people should be left to the public.... They will teach him a good unforgettable lesson!!!!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
The crime of raping and killing own daughter is unthinkable. This is more heinous as the person is a retired army officer. It is reported that he has second wife. I wonder if the daughter is his own or is step daughter- (real daughter of his second wife).

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is so very horrible!! It makes me feel sick to my stomach even while reading this!!

I think the punishment of stoning such people to death practiced in some Arab countries is very appropriate! :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This is very horrible to read.. I don't know how the father could commit such a mistake with her own daughter...
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