U.S. President Barack Obama today said India is now a world power and the two countries can work together onread more

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I think his certificate in this regard was not required.We knows our power and all countries should know their powers well.

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You are bang on,Abid! When India and Indians feel it that is far important than any certificate from any quarters!
The praise by U.S. President is just diplomatic gesture. It is customary to say something to please host country and we should not read too much in speeches.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I agree with your views,Gulshan! And Mr. Obama has done a good job by showering praises which were music to our ears!!
We are like rats in the story of that old musician ( I don't remember the title of story)

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Have you the Pied Piper of Hamelin in mind!Mr. Obama the Pied Piper!!
A very apt name given to Mr.Obama- "The pied piper". :) :)
He has raised hopes among the American people without fulfilling them!This is reason why his party suffered so badly in the recent elections!
Obama wanted business from india. He wanted jobs for their people. So, the formalities he have to these lines. We are not at all superpower, but we are moving rapidly towards the goal to become a superpower.

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Let the government work with zeal and purpose to achieve hundred percent literacy,eradicate poverty,bring smiles to the faces of the most deprived and impoverished instead of chasing this useless tag of "Super Power"!! We already know the fate of one such "Super Power"!
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