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ok. good nag.the answer is : Fish Farming(also known as Pisciculture)

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
Very nice questions Mathi..... :)

Let me share from my side.....
Why is the laziest bird... :P

Thanks 'n' Regards,
It is the cuckoo or the Koel. Becoz it lays the eggs in the nest of other birds. How lazy the koel is? :P
yes koel is the right answer.

please Deepti start next one:

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
Deepti and Mathi eagerly waiting for the next quiz. :)
That is really good going...hope to see more interesting things.. :)
yes, this thread is very interesting. Thanks for Mathi for the initiation. :)
ok Next one is :

How many toes on each foot does an ostrich have?
ostrich1.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
Ostrich has two toes... And overall it has 4 toes... :)

I think I am right... Have a look at this pic.. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
you are right deepti
good. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
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