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What makes you scare baby just share it here..................hahahahaha......
What makes you scare baby just share it here..................hahahahaha......

do you want to scare me?? only bad exam results and fear of loosing special people of my life scares me.nothing else and for getting rid of these both i do study well and i try my best to save every relation of mine.. :)

Wow baby that's great and this mean you never feel fear in your life....
Wow baby that's great and this mean you never feel fear in your life....

what should i fear of? he who has send me in this world is still there so no need to fear.if he will want me back he can as im just a sender or worker of him whom he may have send for some special reason or work the day when it will get complete he will call me back. :) :)

Let us have some more spicy talks.....

Meera sandhu
Salt and Pepper gives great tastes to food.Without salt foods are tasteless
Salt and Pepper gives great tastes to food.Without salt foods are tasteless

I can't eat vegetable dishes without salt. In every Sabji, we need salt.

Want to make each day Accountable

Salt and Pepper gives great tastes to food.Without salt foods are tasteless

You are repeating the same mistake :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Meera sandhu
Salt and Pepper gives great tastes to food.Without salt foods are tasteless

You are repeating the same mistake :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

In our life if salt is not there then the flavor of life which should come doesn't comes.

Want to make each day Accountable

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