Why poll section is being very slow on comment submission. I am not able to submit comment on poll its only wait symbol come all the time.

Santosh Kumar Singh



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The quality of most of the polls is poor. That's why people don't make comments.

Harish Jharia
There are some members like me who point out their mistakes and make enemies... I don't know what to do?

Harish Jharia
Should we all remain silent spectators and see people doing all sorts of funny mistakes.

Harish Jharia

To improve the image of the site, we need to point out mistakes. There is nothing wrong in it. Whenever i see a repeated poll, i used to write comment that this poll is already asked.Please don't repeat like that.

Santhosh's problem is not that.Nowadays when comment is posted on a poll it takes long time to process it.Also to vote it takes too much time.This occured after introduction of new options.So moderators must check it.

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Did anyone else facing this issue? I have tested several times but couldn't reproduced it. May be the internet connection is causing this issue.

@Santhosh, are you still facing this issue?

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

ya .. bit it happens only rarely.. for me it happened only once
Yes. I too face this problem sometimes. It's not only for comment but also for voting polls. While voting polls, if we click submit vote button it does not show the message vote successfully record.But if we click again submit vote button it shows vote already recorded. I thought this is related to browser.

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