Can we post poems in forum written by our friends or any one

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Yes, poems written by your friends can be shared in forum. If it is your own creation you can share it in the resources section too.
I think it can be shared only if it is too attractive and not too long.

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The poems should be short and if long then it should be interesting, that only will attract more people to read it....
The forums are for discussion and not for poems. However, there is no restriction. These may be written. But these should not be copied from other web sites or books. These must be original.

It will be more appropriate to write these in Articles section.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Fathima is asking about a poem written by her friend.So it can't be posted in article section.

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Fathima is asking about a poem written by her friend.So it can't be posted in article section.

If the poem is not published in some other site or in any media, this is original and not considered copied. So, this may be published in articles section. This is my view. This needs clarification.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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