Can u tell me plz where in the "Submit An Article" zone (after choosing catagory and sub catagory) I can write the main content of my article? There are the following blocks///




Images ( Max. size 300 Kb ):

Meta Data
Meta Description
Meta Keywords

Review title*

Ratings (the higher the better)
Article Details*


submit cancel

plz help,,,,,,,,,, thanks
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Hello Niladri,
Let me explain you each fields
Title - Title or heading for your article should be written here

Summary - Main content of your article should be written here

Images - You can insert images related to your article here.The total size of all the images should not exceed 300 kb.

Meta Data - The contents of this field will be used by the search engines. Write good keywords related to your article here. For example if you are writing article titled "How to earn money" you can write money making tips, earn money online etc related to the topic.

Meta Description - Few lines of your article which has good keywords can be entered in this field.

I think Review field will be filled by other members who read your article. ( Iam not sure with this as this template is new in article section )

I hope i have clarified some of your doubts
Like to add images are optional you can leave them blank. Do also check out the daily contest links on home page.

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