hi friends
got a problem in games section if anybody has the same problem reply

After completing the games the score are not submitted and it gives a fatal error.
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Can you post the error or screenshot?

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

no need to worry about this error frnds maverick will soon clear this problem and make us comfort for playing games on boddunan.....
I have played some word puzzles two days before and it was fine with me.I have a question.Do the games also has separate leader board? :) :)
This is the error

Fatal error: Class 'mosMambot' not found in /home/bnadmin/public_html/plugins/system/PUArcade_AUP.php on line 55
I still get the fatal error while submitting the score. I feel the points are not updated for playing the games

I am posting the screenshot.
Oh!This is the first time I am seeing this sort of error.Thanks for bringing it to notice. :)
That problem isn't coming for me.. Its working fine for me..
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