Last time,out of curiosity i clicked 'un-publish' poll button and the poll was unpublished.But it appears in poll list of "My Polls".Is there any way to re-publish that poll?.If not what can i do with that poll which is shown as status=rejected!.It is simply shown in the poll list without any use!
So in order to publish that poll again,i have to type that poll once more?right?
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It will be better to modify the poll by inserting some minor change and introduce as a fresh one.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Even i did the same and i need to reopen it.

can u please let me know how i can ?

You can create a fresh poll with the correct details. Unpublished polls cannot be published again.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REPLY..and very much happy to know that team is back :)
Hello. I have a doubt ?
Are the polls removed, immediately when you click the option > Unpublish ? Or do they ask you to confirm if you want to unpublish. I have not tried it.

If they ask you to confirm it would be nice or else it is tense to click on a poll as you can click that option by mistake.
I think you are creating another work to do by boddunan something like published unpublished so i think it should required to do minor change in poll.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Yes...the poll get un-published the moment you click on that button..there is no confirmation asked.So be careful with the mouse :)
Thanks for the reply MC. But, i think that option could be located elsewhere instead of placing at the end of the question.
Guys, in case you have any poll unpublished by mistake, please send a mail to support and they will do the needful :)

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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