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Count: 50

Hey mine is the 50th post here!!!!!

:lol: :lol: ;) ;)

Eel, Steel

Again with L

Your one click makes their day, please help them:
Congrats Anu for making the 50th post as well.
I think the first person to give 25 and 50 posts individually in this thread deserves à KARMA point. Let us see who makes it!

Count=51, Individual Count=17
The words are lemon, Demon.
So, the next letter is N

Need , Deed

Next letter Start with "J"

With Regards
Count - 52 IC - 08

Jar, Bar

Next letter is "R"

Congrats! this game is rocking!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Thanks Deepti..

Hi vignesh..the next letter will be "D" not 'J'.. Did not understand how you mentioned it as 'J'..

Count=53, IC=18

Anyways, the words with R are
rack and back.
So, the next letter is 'K'
Kettle and Little.

My first entry in forum today is this rhyme!!!
Oh, forgot...Next person can start with "E"

Visit my blogs:
@ Abid your count is 54

Count 55 IC - 09

Egg, Peg

Next letter is "G"

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Count=56, IC=19

the words with G are
gass and lass
So, the next letter is 'S'

Sell ,Bell

Next letter is 'L'

With Regards
Count-58 IC-10

Lime Time

Next letter is "E"

Hey this is my double digit post! MY IC is 10

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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