Hai Friends...

Here is the third custom....

Custom: Woman belonging to Hinduism are advised to put Tilak on their forehead.
Even gents also used to put tilak in the olden days...

Question: What is the scientific reason behind this???

Common Friends...
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It is said the nerve center is located on that spot, but not sure about the exact reason. Perhaps, it has something to do with the pigment in the 'tilak'..?
Yes. I also think that the nerve centre is located on the spot. Some people say to avoid bad people mesmerising girl, they used to keep kumkum there. I don't know whether iam correct.

I too have heard and seen this practice and reason cited is to keep evil influences away.I wonder if there is any scentific basis in it.
Tilak is a Brahminical symbol. This is a sort of dress code. No need to look for any other purpose.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

YES ---- some of our friends are getting closer to the right answer.... have stated the right points... But hope it would be good if the answer is more finned.....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Tilak is applied to the forehead, because the kukmum used for applying tilak is made from turmeric. Turmeric along with being antibiotic, antiseptic, noninflammatory etc is also believed to keep evil spirits away! therefore this tradition!

Say I am right Deepti, please Oh Please!!! :P

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Ha ha ha ha Kalyani --- Good guess work :)

Our friends Meean and Sridevi arejust revolving around the answer.....

Guess more :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
There is a nerve connecting to the brain which is present between the eyebrows which connects the memory concentration of the body, so when we put tilak it constantly stimulates it and keeps it active
As tilak is made up of turmeric powder, which is very cool, so it makes a cool effect on that spot and good for memory.
Also its a delicate place so putting tilak protects it from direct sun rays.

Aastha Gupta
Do tell me Deepti if this time I am right or wrong? Curiously waiting for your reply. and also waiting for the next scientific reason.

Aastha Gupta
Sorry for the delay Aastha :) and thanks for the support too :)

Yes your answer is absolutely right... but you have just stated that "it keeps active"...

The place where women put tilak is where the nerve connecting brain is present.. This place when stimulated improves mental concentration...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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