What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?

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Hmm --- Hope it is a bit complicated question...... Hope it is not a living being!!!! ;)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Hello Jayen,
Is its answer is A River

Do tell me, if I am correct.

Aastha Gupta
Come on guys give it a try. Its easy

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
Jayen you didn't tell me, whether my answer is right or wrong, please clarify.

Aastha Gupta
Yes you got it absolutely correct. The answer is river.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
How??? Can you explain Jayen?????

Thanks 'n' Regards,
River has a soft bed beneath it but it never sleeps and it also has a big mouth which opens into sea but it never speaks.

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