A number of discussions to increase online users have read here.I have a suggestion.
Introduce some daily spot contests like some mathematical puzzle or word game or something like that for a limited period of time.The time should be strictly random.Besides cash/point reward that day's winners name should blink or scroll on home page.

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Only best effort can increase on-line users. Those who are active can increase number of active users . just keep communication of member referred by you by email, chat phone etc. continuous communication will increase active members fast.

Santosh Kumar Singh



But when contests goes on spontaneously all will keep online for long time and participation will also be high.

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Just ping the inactive members asking them to come on line rather than keeping away in spite of having registered with the site.

Harish Jharia
The referral members who have brought those inactive members to Boddunan and got them registered with the site, have the access to them and moral duty to motivate them to come on line and become active.

Harish Jharia
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