Articles [Computer Science]

Memory Management   In this article we will study the principles of managing the main memory, one of the most precious resources in a multiprogramming operating system. Memory management module of the operating system is primarily concerned with...

Computer Network INTRODUCTION In contrast to the earlier generations of computing in which computation and data storage was centralized, we now have distributed systems in which a user may retrieve a program from one place, run it on any of a...

MS-DOS Introduction We know that operating system is the most significant item of system software, which is present in almost every computer system except for a few very specialized applications. In this chapter we will study about operating...

MS-DOS Detail Concept of DOS Commands   In this article  we will study about DOS commands in detail. Generally DOS commands are categorized in two – internal and external. Internal Commands Internal commands are those which are automatically...

MS-DOS Redirecting Command Input and Output   Usually DOS receives input from the keyboard and sends its output on the monitor. Fortunately DOS provides the facility of redirecting this flow of command input and output by using redirection...

In This Article You will Read About these Three : Interactive Graphics Passive Graphics Advantages Of Interactive Graphics Interactive Graphics The high-level conceptual framework shown in Figure (a) can be...

Window-To-Viewport Coordinate Transformation Once object descriptions have been transferred to the viewing reference frame, we choose the window extents in viewing coordinates and select the viewport limits in normalized coordinates . Object...

ABSTRACT DATA TYPES INTRODUCTION   Object-oriented Analysis and Design is a new way of approaching the solutions to problems related to the programming world. This concept is an evolutionary concept and offers a refreshing change from the...

Binary Search Trees   Binary search trees are special type of binary trees in which elements are inserted in a prescribed order. A binary search tree is a binary tree which is either empty or in which the following conditions are...

Tree Tree is one of the most important non-linear data structures in computer science. Tress are very flexible, versatile and powerful data structures that can be used represent the hierarchical relationship of an organization or traditional joint...

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