Articles [Arts & Science]

Contemporary urban tribes The phenomenon of resurgent tribes today is the most visible result of the decentralization process affecting contemporary man. The emergence of groups that were formed around a defined territory and its raison for...

Recombination is the process in which one or more nucleic acid molecule interact with one another to bring about rearrangement of genetic information in an organism and produce new nucleotide sequences. Recombination is accompanied by phenotypic...

I. some parts of our body Our body is made up of a number of parts. Each one of them has its special function. Some of these parts do not move whereas some move. Our legs and hands even help us in moving our whole body from one place to...

The regions of south East Asia are standing amidst other countries in the road to development so are their violent conflicts or extreme tensions that happen to be unfavorable to the development that is so desired. The population of these regions...

Our chest is a large strong box made up of bones. The bones of chest form a cone-shaped cage which encloses the heart and lungs. The sides of chest cavity formed of twelve pairs of ribs. Our chest expands while we breathe in and contracts when we...

English is often described as a window to the outside world and as the language of the world civilization., serving as the gateway to twenty first century thought and culture. Universally popular by its richness, flexibility, elegance and and...

Drinking water Cooking water Cleaning water Bathing water So many uses from the water So, don’t waste the water unnecessary Water is essential for life. No life would be possible without water. All living beings use water and depend on water...

Last year learnt about early man. Early man was just like any other wild animal. Today man is the most important being on the earth. Man had made himself better. He has learnt many things. He has made many things. The story of how man has...

Excretory system Kidneys, uriniferous tubules, urinary bladder, lungs and skin create this excretory system. The main work of this system is to throw waste materials out of body. The body works regularly and produces a lot of waste materials...

Many of our activities, as well as the activities of plants and animals, are affected by changes in weather. Our food –style, living –styles etc. are also changed due to changes in weather. The sun plays an important role in causing changes in...

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