Articles [General]

Music enriches our life by giving a sense of harmony and order. Health, wealth, success in life, good luck name and fame, in short, the desirable things of the world still leave us, for some mysterious reason, unsatisfied. We seek unity, order and...

The following are the main aims and objectives of health education in schools:- To provide information about health and hygiene It aims at acquainting the pupils and the teachers with the functioning of the body, the rules of health and...

The major factors are the following:- Sublimation of instincts and emotions Instincts are natural urges or inborn tendencies in an animal to feel and behave towards a particular stimulus, in a characteristics manner, Instincts are primary...

Very often work means hard work. But work light or hard need not be considered a penalty.Work is a condition of joy. For serious crimes, the punishment is given to person where no work is allowed & to stay alone. Enforced idleness becomes so boring...

Laughter is infectious, tears are not. A cheerful face puts everyone in good spirits. Comedy has been defined as the laughter of the mind. Laughter suggests that man can risk above passing misfortunes and petty faults and failings. There is a...

According to an English term, health is a condition of being ‘safe’ and ‘sound’. The dictionary meaning of health is ‘the stare of being hale and sound in body, mind or soul, especially from physical disease or pain’.It is also defined as the state...

There is nothing unique about the methods of imparting health education. Health education forms an integral part of a child’s total education. As such, all essentials of health education should be carried on at all stages of the educational...

Marine pollution involves the pollution of sea water and the coastal zones. Marine pollution is termed as the changes developed in the coastal sea water and coastal land zones by the industrial wastes, oil spills etc that are harmful. Sources The...

Eutrophication is the process in the nutrients of waters and the resultant sudden increase in algal production. Eutrophication is basically a natural phenomenon which gets enhanced through the agricultural activities. Generally the lakes or ponds...

The pollution that is caused by organic polymer materials such as plastic on the environment thereby having harmful effect on human being is known as plastic pollution. Plastic mainly can be divided in two broader classifications...

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