Articles [General]

The envelope of air which is surrounded completely over the earth is known as atmosphere. The atmosphere extends to about 1000 km from the surface of the earth. But 99% of the total mass of the atmosphere is found within 32 km. This is...

The continental desert climate is found between the Urals and the Caspian Sea. Summers are hot and winters very cold. The total annual rain fall is extremely small. Vegetation and wildlife Variations in climate give Europe a variety in vegetation...

The transcontinental railways in the United States link the Atlantic coast with the Pacific coast, a distance of 5000 kilometers Chicago, on Lake Michigan, is the chief terminus of railways. It is the world’s largest railway junction. About twelve...

Just a people who live in communities depend on each other, the countries of the world too are interdependent. For example, India sells fresh vegetables, pulses and tea too the countries of the Middle East. In exchange, Indian buys petroleum from...

Europe: the people and transport The people The Europeans are white people. The people of north –west Europe are fairer than those of southern Europe. There is a great variety in the color of the eyes and the hair-eyes may be blue-green, hazel...

Europe lies almost entirely in temperate latitudes\. It climate, by and large, is cool and temperate. But the influence of the sea, the warm North Atlantic Drift and the westerly winds is so marked on larger portion of the continent that the...

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-94) was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He studied engineering and law at the university. At the age of 21 he decided to become a writer. He is popular for Treasure Island, Kidnapped, the stange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr....

There are four oceans. In order of their size, they are : Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean. PACIFIC OCEAN The explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who circumnavigated the Earth, named the ocean “Pacific” meaning calm or...

The north-south lines are known as meridians of longitude and extend from the North Pole to the South Pole. All meridians are halves of great circles. The east-west lines (circles) are known as parallels of latitude. All parallels of latitudes...

CRACKING COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS: TOPPERS’ TRICKY TECHNIQUES Please hold on friends, I have not cracked many of them. And still I am going to preach you about how to have the edge in competitive examinations like JEE, CAT, Civil Services,...

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