Articles [Personal Care]

We spend 1/3 of our life time in sleeping. We sleep to get relaxation and to get rest. Many people struggle to get good sleep. They pray God for good sleep before going to bed everyday. They don't hesitate to have sleeping pills to get good...

पुदीने का उपयोग हम कई बीमारियों के इलाज के लिए कर सकते हैं । भोजन के साथ पुदीने की चटनी खाने से हमारा पाचन तंत्र ठीक रहता है । यह पेट की जलन आदि में भी दावा का काम करता है । पुदीने की पत्तियों का रस सर पर लगाने से दर्द में आराम मिलता है । यह गले...

It is early morning. The night ends and the east gleams with the first ray of sunlight. The night rolls up her dark blanket as dawn sprinkles her colors on the horizon. The world opens its eyes. This is the time for devotees to pray. This is the...

High heel is the synonym of fashion,but it is also a reason of health problems.Due to the high heels it effects from foot fingers to the back bone. Startingly it shows its effects in the form of swollowen legs but continous use of heels effects...

Some people sweat a lot and it may be very embarrassing in front of others as most of the people will try to move away as a person with sweat will smell bad.When we sweat more than normal then it may be some what called as a problem of excess...

In the modern world there is so much tension in each one's life that one may easily develop high blood pressure which may be very harmful. In the beginning blood pressure may not be harmful but if you keep getting very high blood pressure regularly...

An athlete can perform at a much higher level and still the process of burning fat. Long-distance runners have their calories burned every time she starts to run. Well, if too thick to be athletes, will harm their careers, they need fast weight...

"In the market we can find a wide range of offerings of toothpaste for children. But What really meet their specific function?" The choice of toothpaste is as important as the toothbrush. If the toothpaste we buy does not have certain requirements,...

Sports and waste are sorry to many almost inseparable. They are therefore often a stumbling block on which a waste attempt failed. On this page we will successively more you'll have to explain why exercise or move if you want lose weight, what you...

Summary   Do you have dry skin? Are you curious if there is anything that you can do to keep off having it? All you need to do is follow a few simple guidelines and tips for the gentlest skin in town! Description   Unfortunately, for adults,...

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