Articles [Social Life]

True relationship does not mean d true relationship between two lovers it can be of any types, it can be in b/w friends, parents, cousins, mother n child, or any type of relation that you can think of have one true friend of mine and we never hide...

Dating is defined as Courtship (sometimes called dating or going steady) is the process of selecting and attracting a mate for marriage. Dating is also defined as use of chemical analysis to estimate the age of geological specimens . Indian...

Spiritual That’s the spirit; I can say the word spiritual came from the word spirit. Now a day, I am experiencing a spiritual life. Now a day I came to know our Hindu religion. I am a Hindu and I proud to be a Hindu and all should be proud to...

Cloth Washing Hey! Hi, me not a laundry boy and also not have a laundry but I think there is a need of some special tips to how to make our cloth neat and clean in case when we have not a whirlpool washing machine. Yes I am writing this...

Waiting for a friend I am writing this article because today one of my best friends was coming from their college means that Annamalai University. He is studying their electronic and communication engineering (ECE). Now, in 2nd year and is to...

Passport size photograph My younger sister has just passed tenth standard and she is to apply for higher studies. She asked me to take her older photograph from the photo studio that was taken earlier, when she in standard ninth for the...

Break fast Breakfast is very important for all working people and growing children. We know that it plays very important role in starting our day. Actually what happened when I arise in morning at 7 o’clock, I saw that my father is ready to and...

Diesel Hey, this article is not based on diesel or petrol fuel. So if you want an article on diesel, then don’t read this. Here diesel name refer to the brand name of bags. Now a day I am seeing lots of bags with a little diesel. I have also...

Sunday I hate Sunday, only this Sunday dated 13th June, 2010 because every member of my family is sleeping leaving me alone as a watchman. To keep vigil if anyone will come and to attend them. No one told me like that but the reason to worry...

To procure living with a good career is credibly what all of you looking ahead to. Deciding a job is only a minor step toward that, any career you prefer at the end of the day it's surety & profit. But then, numerous elements arise as soon as you...

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