The skunk emits a stinking smell if it is frightened or in danger. This odor can be smell half a mile away. The same secretion, with the foul smell removed, is added as a base for making expensive perfume!

In Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, a cat ran up a tree and remained there for six years. While up there, she gave birth to three lots of kittens!

The south-east Asian swift let makes its nest in caves. It makes the nest with its saliva which hardens on the cave walls.

The king of birds, the eagle, has eyes on the sides of its head. However, eagles can see straight ahead of them.

Pigeon racing is a popular sport all over the world. Their owners take the pigeons to faraway places. The pigeons always manage to find way home.

Sea hedgehogs, usually a foot long, can kill more than twenty feet long!

Did you hear the one about an elephant in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, where the elephant beat a team of 100 farmers at a tug of war contest?

Many crabs can go forwards, backwards, and sideways. Most crabs can take bigger steps sideways and run faster!

What’s n a name? Hawaiians call one of the largest of their local fish `O’. They call one of the smallest `homomomonukuaguk’.

When another wolf goes hunting, the father wolf or another adult wolf baby –sits the cubs till she returns with food.

Giraffes and elephants can share a compound. They like grass and water, like the hippopotamus.

The zebras should not be disturbed by the noises and play of the monkeys.

Seals and monkeys like to tease each other. That area of the zoo is very popular with children.

Some interesting facts

There are over 4, 25,000

Why a monkey puzzle tree is called so? It is said that even a monkey would have difficulty climbing this tree. Its actual name is the Chile pine.

There re many kinds of grasses. Grasses can dry out but they will grow back within hours of rain. Bamboo is the fastest growing grass in the world. It can grow 1 meter or 3 feet in a day- the same height as two-years –old child.

You know that camels can store water and walk through the desert for many days continuously. Did you know that there is a tree which can survive extremely dry weather by storing water inside its trunk? It is called the baobab tree. It is found in Madagascar.




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