Doctors and intuitionalists say that a healthy diet makes a healthy living. Now what is a healthy diet? A diet is sad to be healthy to your body if it is it contains the right amount of nutrition in the right combination.

                                 A single food definitely cannot provide all the necessary nutrients that you need. We have to select the right combination of foods to supplement our body with necessary nutrients.

                           The different healthy food groups are


               Fruits like banana and strawberries are believed to supply a lot of energy. Fruits also contain a substancial amount of fibres which is necessary for human diet. Fruits also contain 80% of water in it.


             Vegetables are rich in nutrients like calcium,iron,copper,zinc,potassium,proteins,

Vitamins etc. This will help us prevent diseases like diabetics,cancer,blood pressure etc. eg 1 cup soyabean contains 17gm of fat,11gm of fiber, 33gm of protein, 28gm carbohydrates, and 38mg of sodium.


                   Rice is rich in vitamins like B1,B2,B3 and it also is a rich source of selenium,iron and phosphorous. Similarly wheat is also a rich source of large number of vitamins and also proteins,calcium,phosphorous etc

                   Pulses,gram and beans have a rich content of protein and also amino acids.Nutritionalists believe that 100gm of a pulse can contain upto 20 to 28% protein in it


           Dairy products contain calcium which are helpful in strengthening bones,blood coating and proper functioning of heart. They also contain a great deal of proteins and vitamins but unlike fruits and vegetables it should not be taken in large quantity because it may contribute to health problems.Excess consumption of dairy products causes fat accumulation in the body and lead to obesity and allergies


             Amino acids are essential for the proper functioning of the body Meat is a rich source of amino acids. Similarly fish contains essential fatty acids like omega 3 that helps control cholesterol, and also decreases the likelihood of cardiovascular disesase.


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