Healthy eating means eat nutritious food which gives you lot of health. Smart eating is the easy process by which you can keep check on your health. It does not mean that which type of food you select to eat it also depends on the method of your eating and cooking food.

How to select smart food

Select the food which fills your stomach quickly like instead of eating potato chips eat apple.

Do not eat fried, spicy and very sweet food; just eat them once or twice in a month. But it is good if you avoid them completely.

Do not eat packaged food. If you want to eat than it is good that you read the label on it. If, it contains hydrogenated oil and fructose corn syrup in large amount than, do not eat them.

Soda, diet soda and fruit juices do not give you very good nutritious value it is good if you eat fresh fruits which gives you nutrients as well as fiber also. As the fruit fiber is very good for your digestive system.

If you are very much fond of eating calories food than it is good that if you leave them otherwise just reduce the quantity of them for example if you like Gulabjamun than it is good that you eat only one instead of eating two.

How to Cook food

Use very less quantity of oil, ghee or butter while cooking any food, as all these are not good for health. If you want to use than you can use mustard oil or olive oil for cooking.

Do not use so much salt in your cooking try to experiment and find that with what kind of spices you can use less quantity of salt and also you do not have to compromise with the taste of food.

Try new methods of cooking there are many vegetables which give more taste after roaring and baking so go for them instead of cooking them or fry them in oil.

How to eat and where to eat

Always eat your food slowly do not eat in hurry or while walking or taking.

Do not drink sweet drinks (like cold drinks, milk shakes, juices etc.) while eating food as they will full your stomach and give you more calorie than your food. Instead drink fresh water if you feel thirsty in-between the meals.

Do not overeat as it is not good for your health and stomach. Eat again if you feel hungry.

Do not eat in front of Television or your computer because than you cannot concentrate on your food. Always pay attention that what you are eating and how much you eat.

It is good if you take one meal with your family as it increase the taste of your food and also good for your relationships.

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