Breakfast is important to start a day in a good way we all know this but healthy breakfast foods are a great way to get started each day without having sugar and fat to keep our self feeling awake.

After an 8 hour sleep we have likely gone without eating for 8 - 14 hours. It means that our body and brain are running without fuel in the morning.

We all should understand the importance of the breakfast and healthy food to cut down those extra inches.

Healthy breakfast foods as the name says itself are low in calories, low in fat and are filling because of highly fibrous contents and protein.  If we are planning to cut the weight, extreme changes in the eating habits or food are not necessarily required. Planning for extra weight cut, think of healthy breakfast.

Eating breakfast everyday helps in losing weight. Many of us skip breakfast, thinking it will lose weight. This can result in eating more. Normally people who are already overweight or who are trying to cut extra kilos think of skipping breakfast. This is because a myth we understand that skipping breakfast means eating lesser food but we underestimate the importance of breakfast. As per the studies, eating heavy meal in the morning and a light meal at night optimizes your daily energy levels helping your metabolism. Healthy breakfast food are the most important part of the day as skipping breakfast may also damage your brain cell, according to a study.

Different types of healthy foods.

Certain cereals like black gram, corn/wheat/rice flakes oat meal and yoghurt and other healthy breakfast foods are a great way to get started each day on the right food, in addition of fruit juice like orange or grape provide a healthy option as well as does a glass of milk or a piece of whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana on top, a hardboiled egg on an English muffin, or a fruit smoothie with flaxseed added. When it comes to eating one apple, we consume about 80 calories with a large amount of fiber and protein or picking a cereal with healthy nuts like almonds or walnuts is also a healthy choice to additional protein and good fats as per body needs.

It is very important that we understand the importance of being healthy at an early age. We should also develop these healthy eating habits to our kids as they require a huge amount of energy and nutrients for their developing body and brain.

At the end we should pray for everybody being healthy and wise.

All the best


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