Due to increase in the use of computers, people have forgotten the name exercise. Lot of health related problems are mostly due to lack of proper physical activity. Though there are some diseases which are associated with hereditary or lack of proper diet, which can not be avoided, health problems related to physical activity can be avoided.

Most common problem faced by computer users who spend lot of time sitting without movement is swelling of feet. The problem is common as your feet is constantly place in a single position and not used. Similarly there are problems related to eyes, back, arms and which need proper care and regular movement. Some say that the swelling of feet includes heavy feet and once you move the feet it is again normal. But actually even though it can be back to normal condition, swelling of feet is always a condition to be taken seriously. Due to lack of blood circulation when the leg is not moved for long time this situation occurs. And sometimes the swelling may stay for very long time unless you take medicines.

Inorder to avoid this condition occasionally move your legs in circular movement or atleast elevate. If you have time to take a same walk it is best option but if time is not there just change the position or move it occasionally. You can also use some walking machines or massagers which are available in market. Though they cannot give the comfort of natural exercise, swelling of feet and other problems can be avoidable to some extent.

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