Many women experience menstruation or PMS. Every month, the anxiety about the worst weather day of the month. Women are therefore often the desire to never be unwell. I could, and is it safe?


Girls from the age of 11 periods, sometimes even earlier and sometimes later. Most women are 12 times per year periods until late 1940, early 50. This means that a woman who makes no pregnancies by about 570 times in her life goes through a menstrual cycle. For each full-term pregnancy is 9 times less with this number. A woman with an average number of children will thus tend to about 550 times in her life periods.

Menstruation in many women is associated with symptoms. They suffer from PMS (premenstrual syndrome) or symptoms during menstruation itself. Just before menstruation can suffer from painful, swollen breasts, cravings, crying, headaches, fluid retention and a bad mood. This may itself be so severe that people around someone with PMS have significantly affected. During menstruation, many women suffer from abdominal cramps, back pain, fatigue, headache, excessive blood loss and a bad mood.

You do not want longer periods are possible?

There are women who have their periods every month whistling through without all the above complaints. However, many women menstruation as a nasty period of the month. In addition, the performance of the hard work to be unwell, or if you long to travel or would like to swim.

No longer periods may be using the pill. Many women swallow the pill for birth control already. When using the pill was always recommended after three weeks using a week to stop welding. In the stop week creates a bleed. Today it is known that the pill you can just swallow, you are not menstruating. After the last pill stop you, but you start the next pack. You can choose in this way to be less frequent periods and for example once every three months a week to stop welding, but you can also just keep the pill to swallow, so you no longer period starts.

Even with the Nuvaring can you prevent your period. After three weeks using the Nuvaring delete it immediately and then you put the Nuvaring in the vagina.

Is swallowing the pill safe?

To swallow the pill are not risks of pill use with just three weeks after stopping a week. Women taking the pill are more likely to breast cancer and cardiovascular problems, but this rate is not increased by swallowing the pill. Many people think that your body needs to be indisposed. The idea is to cleanse the uterus and the blood is needed. This is not true. Previously, women were much less return periods because they were pregnant more often and for longer periods breastfeed. In these periods, women were not fertile and thus for long periods of time.

When you swallow the pill, the first time you have a chance at some breakthrough bleeding. These haemorrhages are much less than normal when you are menstruating.

Can I skip menstruation is also a time?

You can change your menstrual occasionally skip a time, such as when you go on holiday fun and do not want to disrupt your period. You swallow two pills strip adjacent to each other, so six weeks. Then you read a stop week. During that week, just period return and then you can swallow the pill again in three weeks after the stop week.

I swallow any pill, and I would not be indisposed

If you do not (yet) pill and do not as often or more periods to be, then the only way to start the pill anyway. Visit your doctor to extensive advice is for you the best options.
If you wish to become pregnant, it is obviously not possible menstruation to stop or delay.

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