Stress is basically a feeling when we react to a particular event. These stressors activate our nervous system and secrete some specific hormones called adrenaline which when mix up with blood effect our heart, blood pressure and causing ill effects on our health.

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What are the effects of stress on our body?

Excessive stress may lead to high blood pressure, heart disorder and in the worst case it may lead to heart attack/failure. If someone has the stomach problem stress may worsen it. Constant tension from stress may also lead to neck or back pain.

How to reduce, prevent and face stress?

Identifying the source of stress:

First step to cope up with the stress is to identify from where it is originated. One must go to the root cause of it. To identify the real sources one must really has study about himself, about his habits, attitude, behavior etc. One must analyze why does he get stress due to others - What they say? What they do? etc. Is it due to work or home?

Check current ways of coping up with the stress:

One should what are the ways he/she is adopting to face stress in the life. There is different ways of coping up with the stress and it depends on person to person how and what they do when they are in stress.

Unhealthy ways:

* Drinking alcohol.

* Smoking

* Shouting at others.

* Sleeping too much

* Keeping away themselves from friends and others.

* Using drugs to relax.

* Cut off from Family, friends and relatives.

* Taking other's stress.


Healthier ways to manage stress:

There are many healthier ways too to release stress but that all need change. Since every people have different nature so their ways to manage and cope with stress also vary. So it’s not that one way is fit for another it may not be fit.

Below are the ways to manage stress:

* Learn how to say "no": One should know his/her limits personally or professionally and refuse to the things which he/she may find beyond the limits.

* Avoid people who may stress you: Try to avoid people who you know can give you stress. I do that i don't remain with the people who i think will stress me.

* Don't involve yourself in the sensitive conversation which may increase arguments and un necessarily can cause stress.

* Try to avoid seeing things which may stress you. Like in your neighbor if their fights with others stress you then try to avoid them.

* Try to compromise with others which may relieve stress. It happens that someone may be hurt with your behavior so it’s better to change your nature which may suit them and it should be like you should be flexible and should be different to different people as per their nature.

* Time management is the essential thing which may be helpful to release stress. One should manage time as per the suitability. I play with my kids daily to relieve my office work pressure.

* Try to resolve things don't let them piling up. If something/someone is bothering you then you should talk to him/her to resolve it rather than sitting with it.

* Try to broaden your limits so that you may adjust with the problem and anything may not hurt you.

* Learn to forgive others. It’s better to forgive others then to keep things in heart as it increase stress level only and nothing else.

* Sense of humor: One should take things lightly. Some people have the habit of taking things seriously which only create tensions so we always try to take things very seriously and should keep our sense of humor up.

* Eat healthy diet: Healthy bodies are more capable of coping with the stress. So we should try to eat balanced diet.

* Avoid alcohol, cigarrates and drugs.

* Lastly one should have enough sleep. Feeling tiredness will always increase stress because it may cause irritation.

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