Air is nothing more than a mixture of gases, but without it, man can not live. We are entirely dependent on respiration. Our bodies are accustomed to be content with the air on roads, where a lot of harmful impurities exists. We did not hesitate to breathe air saturated with vapors of paints and solvents. We are also breathing in a mixture of team stuffy offices and tightly glazed apartments. We often forget the fact that only the fresh air can give us the energy of life, youth and beauty. Only fresh air you breathe outdoors, away from roads and parking lots, can give a person the energy and prolong youth.

Between health and proper breathing there is a direct connection. Improper breathing can even cause illness or make worse an existing one. The development of proper breathing techniques will help your body get easier with difficulties, be it be physical or emotional stress or mental labor. The abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing is also important. The first breath is completely natural to a baby since the baby is breathing through the abdomen. If you observe the breath of a child, you will notice that the child’s abdomen rises and falls as it exhales. But over time we forget how to breathe correctly. 

Most of us go to the breast breathing, thereby suppressing our abdomen. Perhaps this shift is due to the demands of society for the appearance of women and men. After all, a flat stomach and chest are signs of high beauty. "Drag in the stomach and breathe totally." Who has not heard those words? In addition to social influence on respiration and emotions such as anger, fear, excitement and - any stress. While in this state, people subconsciously activate thoracic breathing and that movement suppresses the abdominal wall. In the meantime, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of abdominal breathing. 

During abdominal breathing the diaphragm moves, helping to supply the body with blood and with proper breathing, it performs the role of a tumbler of the heart to facilitate its work. So, it better to learn to breathe properly for the benefit of the body. If you want to learn how to breathe correctly then you have to give up too tight clothing like corsets, laces etc. that hampers breathing. Breathe in the abdominal breathing is three to four times shorter than the expiratory breathing. Abdominal breathing should not be frequent. People who know this breathing technique can reduce the number of breaths per minute to three or six. 

The saturation of the blood to hold your breath for elevated levels of carbon dioxide has a powerful restorative effect on all physiological processes in the organism as a whole. But it is not necessary, in whatever way to strive for it. The number of breaths for an average person can range from twelve to fifteen times per minute. One of the main rules to be kept in mind during abdominal breathing is that you should breathe through the nose, because it is the organ used for breathing. Nasal breathing helps to warm the air and protects the lungs from unnecessary dust. 

It is important that your nose is always healthy, because the weakening of the nasal breathing tends to weaken the nervous system as well. A healthy nervous system, as you know is the guarantee of health of the whole organism. There are benefits in abdominal breathing. To understand why abdominal breathing is correct and useful, it is worth recalling some features of the physiology of respiration and the nervous system. In western medicine, control center of all the physiological functions is the nervous system. The nervous system consists of parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. The parasympathetic system is involved in the work.

 When we do hard physical work or thinking about something, we solve the problems. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for relaxation processes, digestion, sleep, and some aspects of sexual activity. Studying abdominal breathing, you can learn to control activation of the autonomic nervous system and stabilize the parasympathetic system, i.e. improve sleep, digestion, learning to relax and help the work of your heart and blood vessels. Also, abdominal breathing can help you get rid of many diseases quickly and successfully through the process of recovery. Proper breathing greatly reduces the power consumption by the body and slows down the aging process. To breathe correctly - it means to be young, fit and healthy for many years to come. 

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