`` It is luck to you’’ is a common remark heard when someone does something extraordinarily good. But the statement it is widely off the mark. The success of a person is not really due to luck. Infact, luck has a very insignificant role to play in our lives. The great victories of life, no matter in what field they take place, should not be attributed to luck. All our successes depend largely on operation, training, and persistence in the face of obstacles, intelligence, judgment and plain common sense. Behind every story of success lies the background of sound planning, fitness and hard work.

Nobody awakens to find him successful. The person who has been successful has certainly not spent his time sleeping over it.

Success is not a matter of luck at all. Luck does enter when one pushes numbers from a punch board or takes part in a lottery of any kind. Winning these things are not any achievement but plain and simple luck. These kinds of winning do not provide any true satisfaction to the winner, because they do not require any brains, initiative, training or anything else of value. This is not the case of people who win in tests of skill weather in business, sports or any other field. They are the ones who feel proud of their achievements because they have conducted themselves honorably.

I once heard a hockey player who was at losing end of a bitter-fought game till the quarterback of the rival eleven that they were lucky to win. Whereupon the other fellow said ``I am afraid you are wrong. Joe. In the last game, I noticed that one of your backfield men had the peculiar little habit taking the ball forward always with the left hand. It was hardly noticeable, but it was there all the same. This was a tip –off to us.

``When this fellow had the ball we ignored the other back and concentrated on him. We went for him pretty hard; he fumbled with the ball, you will recall. Our winning goal came right afterwards, so our victory was not a matter of luck. It was due to our observation and taking advantage of the situation. It was a ``break’’, I will admit. But it was not luck. Ewe made the break ourselves.’’.

When you hear the world `luck’, you will realize that it is an inaccurate and wrong way of looking at a thing. The fact remains that the harder you work the more luck you will get.

We do believe in a certain amount of chance and good fortune. But it is only an alert and prepared person who recognizes the chance and good fortune and grabs it at the first opportunity. In truth, we have to work as if everything depended on us and hope in God as life everything depended on Him.










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