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In some countries like denmark they are killing seals very cruelly.

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yes this is very good news almost tiger must be saved because they are national animal of india.
Now a days our country taken some actions against the hunters who kills animals.

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its great that now a days forest dept making some strict action against hunters. this will help for tigers and also so many animals.

Not only big cats we need them all to keep our balance and bio-diversity.
Tiger is a ferocious animal and yet, it is a very fragile component of the natural ecosystem and the food chain, therefore it is vital that more and more efforts are taken to protect tigers. Increase in the population is actually very encouraging but our work does not stop here, it should also be ensured that more living space is created for the beautiful cats so that they do not have encroach upon lands inhabited by humans!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

this increase in tiger population will now encourage all the NGOs who have been working on this cause to now work harder. this increase will boost their hopes and soon we can say that tiger is not an endangered animal.
Not only tigers there are many species which are decreased due to human mistakes.

That's really a great news that Tiger population has increased substantially.
The problem of conservation of fauna and flora is a global one. With incresing population and human encroachment of animal habitats, the problem has assumed very threatening proportions!
This is really a great news and a possitive side of the activities of NGO.
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