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I love sweet dishes with daily meals, and many a times a bot of pickle though I prefer home made pickle than the market pickles.

Sweet dishes in moderation is OK. So is the case with pickles, even pickles made in your house.

I normally have a puece of chocolate after meals or fruits since I too have a sweet tooth and as for pickles, since we have mango and lemon trees at home I tend to make pickles and eat it too... :unsure: All the yummy things in life seem to be bad for your health !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

This is very true. I also read this, "Coffee decrease the risk of liver cancer".
Coffee is good for our health.

Be positive
I love sweet dishes with daily meals, and many a times a bot of pickle though I prefer home made pickle than the market pickles.

Sweet dishes in moderation is OK. So is the case with pickles, even pickles made in your house.
Yh mango pickles, am a vegetarian so I used to eat sweets during food.

This post is very important for the people suffering with liver problem. However, too much of coffee can make you suffer from piles.
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