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Exactly. For self analysis you can use SWOT method. Your strong points, weak points. opportunities and threats.


yes childrens are new to the world ,everything is new to them to clarify the doudts regarding particular thing which they seen they ask questions one after the daughter is 5yrs old she is a big question bank ,now again start learning to explain her.

example of one of her question what is the water colour :)

Utmost patience is required to answer these questions. Irritation of any kind will kill the enthusiasm in the children .It leads to inferiority complex.


Wel, it is true, we should encourage children by answering their questions, if we does not know the answer for their questions which they ask, we can even google them or ask experts and answer your kids. So that the enthusiasm in the kids will improve to know more things and improve their knowledge.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Whatever you follow, it is important to answer the questions asked by children


Kids are like question Banks. they keep on asking questions. Some may be reasonable and sensible questions and some are non sensible , these may even irritate the elders but elders should be patience to answers their questions to improve their knowledge which still creates interest in children mind and useful to their future

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Whether the questions are sensible or not, it will be known after they grow up. But right now parents should answer their questions..


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