A Leader is someone who leads by being an example to others or who leads from the front.....

Are Leaders born or they are made?
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Leadership qualities may be natural to some and these may also be acquired through motivation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Leader are born or made is not the question? How good is the leadership of the leader does matter. Some people were born with some qualities which are generally associated with an leader. Some qualities of leadership is acquiried on job. Hence some leader are born and some are made. But in modern world most of the leader acquire skills through intensive learning at the workplace.
leaders are born with some specific characteristics in their nature.
I think leadership is a nature attained by birth which acquires certain special qualities.
I don't believe leaders can be made! Although we have many instances where leadership has been thrust upon a few who simply don't have it in them!
Some people watches so much odd in the world they live,that they decides to change something which is odd . I think Leaders are made by their own and stood first in front to make change .

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sometimes leaders are born and sometimes there is need to made leaders and in this case several training sessions are applied to rise in them a spirit of leader.
Leadership skill is in-built in everyone but people who can recognize it and polish it can only become good leaders.
Leader ship comes by birth.It will be in every one some gets earlier chance to know others may take time.

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I think a Leader is born, not made although some may exhibit leader-like qualities when it falls upon them because of circumstances. An ideal leader is the one who "Walks the Talk" and not just preaches to other what he himself will never practice!

A perfect definition of a leader is as quoted by Thomas Jefferson:

"In matters of style, swim with the current;
In matters of principle, stand like a rock."
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"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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