Is social networking site destroy real life participation?
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It's very difficult to answer! To my mind social networking sites have an element of unrealness about them and face-to-face interactions are in now way comparable! I also don't believe , keeping this in mind ,it can said that it's destroying real life interactions!
Yes. I think so. Social networking can never take the place of real life participation.
The social networking sites are good avenues to fulfil emotional as well as other needs!
I think it destroys life fully as it traps the valuable hours in a virtual world.

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I don't think so. You can have balance in your life by avoiding excessive time being spent on such sites and pay more attention to your family.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
That's right,Mukesh! Limitations of a virtual world is clear to the sensible!
Thanks for understanding my view Mr. Chinmoy.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
If we are completely aware of the potential as well as the limitations of any facility, we can free ourselves from unrealistic expectations and irrational attachment!
Social networking sites are more useful to communicate with friends personally known to us. Many of my friends and relatives are at distant places. Social sites help to communicate with them. You also get some new friends. But over indulgence in these sites may affect real life interaction.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

What is virtual is virtual and what is real is real! These two are distinct and to be treated as such!
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