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Yes of course. Boddunan will thereafter be a popular website. But decision has to be taken by Maverick.
I am still not getting answer from anyone that,does this Adsense will be more profit for boddunan or not ?

Want to make each day Accountable

Surely it will be a huge profit for boddunan. There is no doubt in that.
If Boddunan can make good traffic and money from it,then they should make this happen.

Want to make each day Accountable

Even I have been telling the same point. Lets hope something happens at the earliest.
I think Arun Jain or Soubhagya can elaborate mote on this topic.So I invite them to join the discussion and enlighten everybody as to what are the criteria required to achieve adsense pay etc. for a commercial website and similar other aspects.
I think adsense is not a new thing for members but to link with boddunan they already made lot of discussion so when good time will come we all get benefit of adsense from boddunan I hope so.

Santosh Kumar Singh


This discussion is going on from my joining here but there is no decision about this.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

i think the discussion is going on some other topic now. :( :(

The topic started with average income from boddunan per month and now are running with adsense.Please continue.
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