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Sasi, please let me know if we get any points for commenting on articles. As i am not getting any points for the same.

Sasi, please let me know if we get any points for commenting on articles. As i am not getting any points for the same.

yes,we do get points for commenting articles.

Want to make each day Accountable

Ronark i had not seen any points on commneting in articles how we know that we got points.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Ronark i had not seen any points on commneting in articles how we know that we got points.

Before,we were getting points. I just saw now,and ,yes,we are not getting points now for commenting on articles.

Want to make each day Accountable

Previously Points are there for commenting on articles. But I am not getting now.
If a person a free and have enough time then he should in Boddunan as various new opportunites and earning options are there,so its good site.
The earning of that person would be good.

Want to make each day Accountable

Ya. Thats absolutely wright. Lot of ways to gain points and money and more important knowledge.
yes, even i observed that for commenting on article we are not gaining any points

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Discussing with members here,you don't know where your time has left.The old people who don't have to do anything and just seats idle,should join this community.

Want to make each day Accountable

As my article got approved some points also credited in my account.
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