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The every thing must not be shared with all some times it may effect the relationships.

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Our personals especially should not be share online especially in social marketing sites that to in facebook like demandable and unsafe sites

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes,its true,that our personal things should be share,one may take disadvantage of it.

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Yes you are true how we can share personal things in social networking sites.

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everyone should be very cautious while working on the internet. Phishing is very common these days and it may cost you a lot.
Yes there is a lot of hackers in the face book when we are not alerted we must pay alot .

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Facebook account could be hacked by a hackers,so really need to take care.

Want to make each day Accountable

There are nearly 6 lakh hackers trying to hack facebook daily.

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There are nearly 6 lakh hackers trying to hack facebook daily.

Oh my God ! So,i think there would be huge hacks of the account.
Is facebook secure ?

Want to make each day Accountable

6 lakh hackers ..there are so many losers in this world :laugh: :laugh:
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