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I accept it also. Yup this sis the final recepie that we can follow to be humours it!!! Nice recipe.
OK, I will just put you inside the pot... it will make my recipe more humorous for sure.....Really our friends will enjoy it

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5690]}

Is it a humour recipe or a horror recipe!!{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5703]}
A humour recipe made in a horror way since no one dare to sit beside me near that dining table :(
0039_2012-02-27.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

Meera sandhu
A humour recipe made in a horror way since no one dare to sit beside me near that dining table :(

Humour made in a horror way!!!Bringing two poles so near!! Ende Ammo!! {CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5708]}
A humour recipe made in a horror way since no one dare to sit beside me near that dining table :(

Humour made in a horror way!!!Bringing two poles so near!! Ende Ammo!! {CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5708]}

Earth is a round sphere. So we can reach the same point by travelling both(extremely opposite) directions. I think, you got it right now. :cheer:

Meera sandhu
So we were talking about earth here not a recipe. Thanks God I did not eat it or would have bit the dust.

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So we were talking about earth here not a recipe. Thanks God I did not eat it or would have bit the dust.

I was giving him an example. Can't you see that? :angry: :angry:

Meera sandhu
Yes I can see that, that's how i saw this was about earth and not a recipe. I am not going to eat any thing that will fowl my taste. :laugh:

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Actually humor is produced with a emotion. The person who is humorous is always be active and happy.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Actually humor is produced with a emotion. The person who is humorous is always be active and happy

First part...I agree...2nd part....won't :)

Meera sandhu
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