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But sandhya, now a days am feeling to quit watching serials, as some of my time is getting wasted. but i couldn't quit.
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Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

But sandhya, now a days am feeling to quit watching serials, as some of my time is getting wasted. but i couldn't quit.

Taht's the problem......problem as serious as drinking!!!!!!!! :woohoo:
Even if you know that it is a waste, you can't quit it...ha ha

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Meera sandhu
But sandhya, If we decide mentally to quit a thing, then we can do it at any cost. so see, i will surely quit watching serial and work more and reach my target.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is not mandatory to quit watching or leaving any of your hobbies to get a good job.

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For getting success in our life, we should sacrifice some thing which is stopping us from success. Later when we get success then if we want we can enjoy the fruit of our sacrifice

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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