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Your self-confidence and secured feeling will boost-up by keeping yourselves close to your family, siblings and parents...
Just try and feel the difference...

Yes, those who are away from the home town knows its real meaning. When we are living in a new town/city far away from our dear ones, we often feel, "Something is missing". It's nothing but the warmth that we get from our dear ones who sincerely love us and want to see us happy always :)

Excatly! I know it that's the reason i don't accept job offers which ask me to relocate in different city. I know money is not the only thing which may give you comfort its your own people too who give you comfort when you are upset with the situations. :)

Quite true...
Even if it is not possible to live together we should at-least maintain constant contact / interaction / talks on phone and of course excellent relations with our family. We should also make it sure to visit them frequently and invite / escort them to our place at regular intervals...

Yes you are right Sir We should be in touch with our family members always.
Your self-confidence and secured feeling will boost-up by keeping yourselves close to your family, siblings and parents...
Just try and feel the difference...

Yes, those who are away from the home town knows its real meaning. When we are living in a new town/city far away from our dear ones, we often feel, "Something is missing". It's nothing but the warmth that we get from our dear ones who sincerely love us and want to see us happy always :)

Excatly! I know it that's the reason i don't accept job offers which ask me to relocate in different city. I know money is not the only thing which may give you comfort its your own people too who give you comfort when you are upset with the situations. :)

Quite true...
Even if it is not possible to live together we should at-least maintain constant contact / interaction / talks on phone and of course excellent relations with our family. We should also make it sure to visit them frequently and invite / escort them to our place at regular intervals...

That's right Sir one must not totally forget his/her parents and should always remain in contact with them. I have seen people too who don't visit their parents or contact them which makes their parent upset. :blink:
I love my family very much. But I take some time for mixing with relatives and friends
Spending with family gives more happines than others. Every one must spend their time with family.

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Every thing depend upon wife or on all family members. If they are friends then good but if they irritates then ?????
For me my my family is my first priority and my responsibility. I love to take care well and mingle well with them. There is nothing more joyful than mingling with family.

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Every thing depend upon wife or on all family members. If they are friends then good but if they irritates then ?????

That's true in most of the cases it depends on the wife how she mixes up with others and if she does not then there are chances that people won't try to mix up with your family. It all depends on your behaviour and attitude. :blink:
I spending all my time with my family. I always easily mixed with my family. Most time I gave to my little son.

Be positive
Ya family is a safe shelter where we can stay peacefully and share all happiness and sorrow with other members.
If we are good with our family and mingle then the outside people feel fear to do any bad to us. But if our family is not good, always quarrel with each other, fight and be separately in same house then the outsides will have more chance to separate the people by their negative talks

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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