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Thats a good news sanjeev, I will pray for her to get wellsoon

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sanjeev I think you treated and learned your children well so they did not cried when going to school.

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Sanjeev I think you treated and learned your children well so they did not cried when going to school.

Thanks Sasi. :)

My kids are really strong emotionally they are not like a normal kids who would cry for the things if they don't get it. :)
thats good hope that next day surely they will go to school.they will enter in the new world of education.

They are geting better today on the second day they were excieted to go to school. :laugh:
Excited !!! Then they must be having fun in school too.. Mostly kids don't feel any excitement about it.. HAha

so they went to school today or not? now a days children enjoy going to school.they are not like those who cry

so they went to school today or not? now a days children enjoy going to school.they are not like those who cry

When they came back to home after their school they said their madam is good she knows lot of poems. :laugh:
That's great sj... Students don't used to tell good things about teachers mostly.. Haha

I think this is most crucial time for you and them both.

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