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Out door games are good for health also as we remain fit in running and this is possible in out door games only.
yes, out door games gives some exercise to our body. so we should make our children to play out door games from their child hood this will help them developing their height and physical fitness also.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think if we are not going out for playing, we should atleast do some exercise in our house, to make our body in good shape.

Want to make each day Accountable

Playing outdoor gives us lot of confidence and oxygen to our body. we will be much active and our mind will be very sharp

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Playing outdoor gives us lot of confidence and oxygen to our body. we will be much active and our mind will be very sharp

It recreate us. Now a days, small kids have forgotten. they think that only Studying is important and that is only solution to Create our Career.
But we should also not forget that Sports is also important.

Want to make each day Accountable

this is due to the parents. parents always give pressure to the children to study study and go on study. so that their children become good in studies and get a good position. but like what happens, their childrenare becoming mugging machines and some are with unsatisfaction writing letters and leaving world. so we should give time to games also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes parents have some duty to send their children to play outdoor games.It will fresh their mind also and help to build a sportsmanship attitude which will help in future. Other wise when he have to outside for higher study they will feel homesick.
In addition, children who spend time in nature regularly are shown to become better stewards of the environment.

I agree with that wholeheartedly ! The more you interact and learn about nature, a better respect and rapport you build with it and children should be taught to revere nature since our lives revolve around it and unless we live in harmony with it , we will have many adverse conditions like it is happening now...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

earlier we had a lot of friends, fields, play grounds etc...
Now we are living as nuclear families in flats and apartments....
so, kids are not getting enough place to play. So, they stay inside homes in front of that idiot box. It's adversely affecting their health as well.
but what else can we do......when population is increasing so high and kids not getting enough place to play

Meera sandhu
earlier we had a lot of friends, fields, play grounds etc...
Now we are living as nuclear families in flats and apartments....
so, kids are not getting enough place to play. So, they stay inside homes in front of that idiot box. It's adversely affecting their health as well.
but what else can we do......when population is increasing so high and kids not getting enough place to play

I still see people in village have enough space to play I like the way they live but I can't adopt it as they have very limited resources to earn and have lesser facilities like we have in the cities. :blink:
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