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Keywords play a main role for getting popularity of the content. If any one type the keyword in the search engine then our site should come with the related content.

Today also i searched with key words to find if my articles are appearing in search engine. It's not happening :unsure: :unsure: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Meera sandhu
Sandhya, with the keyword which you are searching in the google or whatever search engine those should be repeated situationally for 7 or 5 times in the content.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

@ Sarala

This is the great information. I will follow it hereafter when writing articles. thanks. :cheer:
Sandhya, with the keyword which you are searching in the google or whatever search engine those should be repeated situationally for 7 or 5 times in the content.

SEO specialist....can you explain a little more?

Today I searched with some rare topics, which I have presented as article. yet, couldn't find

Meera sandhu
I didnt understand what you asking about. Can you please elaborate. what are those rare topics.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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